Monday, January 14, 2013

Get Healthy Pt 1

I'm posting this for everyone, but mostly for myself.
I really need to work on being healthier.
Especially during deployment, we eat like crap.

So I made up a small little challenge.
I'm only challenging myself to a week of changes
but hopefully after 1 week I'll want to turn it into 2,
and then 3, 4, 5....

One of my guiltiest pleasures is SODA and RED BULL.
I'm horrible with it, especially Red Bull.
So I'm challenging myself to a week without either.
(Starting right after I finish this Red Bull lol)

I need to drink more water.
I want to drink more water with lemon.

I posted this on my last site but here is a hydration calculator
that estimates how much water you should be drinking
on a daily basis.

Here's one of my favorite pictures to motivate me
to drink more water...

Here's an article about the benefits of drinking water with lemon...

So who's with me??? No soda or energy drinks until January 21, 2013.

Also consider doing the 200 Sit Ups Challenge 
Monday is the perfect day to start.
I'm on week 2!