I've noticed lots of bloggers posting about their favorite shows.
I figured I'd throw mine into the mix because I know you care!
I'm a TV Junkie and I fully admit that!
The only problem I have is keeping up with the current episodes.
I don't have a lot of time and can only watch one or two shows after
the kids go to bed. I also start some shows really late,
after I hear everyone else's reviews.
My poor DVR can hardly keep up with my habits.
So here a few shows in my current rotation...
First and foremost is Big Brother Season 15! My favorite show ever.
I've been a BB fan since the beginning and I never miss an episode.
This is probably the only show that I stay current with and actually watch
when its on. If you've never seen it, I recommend it! Some people think its
trashy, there are some cat fights along the way, but what do you expect with
that many people living a secluded life in the same house. It is a game though
and there is strategy involved. This season is coming to an end but be sure to
catch it next summer!
My favorites have switched throughout this season. At first I was a big fan of
McCrae but I despise Amanda. She is a control freak and just intimidates people
into doing what she wants. She can't win a competition to save her life. She is
still getting far in this game, which I give her kudos for, but I don't like her. So
since McCrae has fallen in love with Amanda, I can't root for him anymore. Last
night's episode has got me on Team Elissa and Judd. I was so annoyed that Elissa
was Rachel's sister, and I couldn't stand her for the longest time, but I've slowly
learned that she is way cooler than her sister and although I don't want her to win,
I'm hoping she can create a nice little alliance and take some other people to the end.
I was a big fan of Helen and I was sad to see her go. I felt like she really knew how
to play the game and did it with class. She was so smart! I was rooting for her to
be the retuning juror but I was glad to see Judd come back too. I hope he makes
some big moves this time and doesn't just sit idle the way he was before!
I hope Amanda gets backdoored this week.
That sounds dirty, you have to be a fan of BB to know what that really means.
Oh I am a hugggge RHOC fan!!!! Its the only housewives show that I follow with a
passion but I LOVE them! I missed the first couple of seasons but I think I started
regularly following it in 2009. It was around the time Gretchen's fiance Jeff passed away.
I'm not totally caught up on this season yet though, I'm a few episodes behind.
My favorite housewife is Heather. I feel like she is everything I want to be! Rich,
successful, down to earth, a good mom, and the peacekeeper in the group. She doesn't
like drama but is very straightforward when somebody else is causing problems. She's
modest and professional and so very classy. Her husband is a plastic surgeon with a great
sense of humor and she's got 4 little kids running around her insanely gorgeous mansion.
Tamra and Gretchen have been long time favorites of mine too. I think they are so funny
but their personalities are completely opposite of mine, which is probably why I like them.
They seem like they would be really fun to hang out with and laugh at as I sit back and
watch. Vicki isn't my favorite housewife, but she is entertaining! And I feel a connection
with her story because of her daughter. I love her daughter, Briana, who recently married
a Marine and had a baby boy. I obviously feel like I can relate to her. In the episode I'm
currently watching, her husband is training here at 29 Palms and she visits him 3-4 times
a week. Yes, I am secretly hoping I will run into her some day. I will keep my eyes peeled!
I really like the new housewife, Lydia. She's so sweet and cute and kind of hippie-ish. She's
all about peace and love and also stays out of the drama of the group. She just wants everyone
to be friends and have fun! The only housewife I don't care for is Alexis. I hope its just the way
the show portrays her, but I can't stand her!
Hubby and I have jumped on The Walking Dead bandwagon! Better late than never!
We are almost done with season 2 on Netflix. I had ALL of season 3 recorded on my DVR
but it apparently got deleted because of 16 hours of X-Games that decided to take control.
We are big fans of this show and if you haven't seen it, you need to! There was tons of talk about
it so we decided to give it a try. The first episode didn't have me totally convinced. But 3 to 4
episodes in and we were hooked. It just keeps getting better and better.
The episode we are on, the group is still living on Hershel's ranch. Shane is still around
(I heard he dies??? Don't tell me!!) and he drives me crazy. That guy is a loose canon, it wouldn't
surprise me if they throw him to the Walkers for bait. The little boy, Carl, is starting to get a little
too confident with his little boy self and he's starting to make me nervous. We have one episode left
of this season and I'm sure its gonna be a good one.
Premiering tonight is Teen Mom 3! This is another show I have followed since the very
beginning. I've watched all of the 16 and Pregnant seasons and have followed Teen Mom
religiously. I'm super excited about this new group of girls.
Speaking of Teen Mom, wtf has happened to Farrah. Does anyone keep up with her? She is
losing her marbles. I'm totally not a fan. I'm also not a fan of Jenelle, she needs to figure
herself out. I do, however, want to be Macy's best friend. I love her and I think she's doing
things right. Catelynn and Tyler also have a special place in my heart. I wish them nothing
but the best! I'm excited to get to know this new group of girls and stalk their lives :)