Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Chapstick Bandit

My toddler always steals my Chapstick. Always! I can't hold on to one for more than a day or so before she has used her magical seeking powers to find it and eat the entire thing. 

This has been a long, exhausting, frustrating battle between me and the baby of the family. After months and months and months of failed hiding spots and secret locations, hubby says "Why don't you just put it in an empty pill bottle?"

Child proof top.

My hubby is a lifesaver!

Take that Super Baby!!! 
Now who wants to bet on how long it takes her to figure out how to open a childproof top? 

1 comment:

  1. I have so many empty pill bottles, I started keeping toothpicks in them. Zane likes them better than almost any toy I could ever buy for him and uses them as a rattle haha. So far he hasn't figured out how to open them :)
