Monday, March 4, 2013

Why is there so little yellow brick road?

Last night I was browsing the internet for curriculum
options for next year's homeschooling.

I was checking out the Moving Beyond the Page site,
(which, by the way, I am a fan of)
and I came across this video.

It's a lecture by Colin Stokes that explores how popular
movies, books and other media affect our children's character.
He specifically talks about gender bias and how this is shaping
the minds of our young boys and girls.

He uses the Bechdel Test to determine gender bias in a book, show or movie.
It's a simple 3 part test that goes like this...

1. Are there at least two women?
2. ...that speak to eachother?
3. ...about something other than a man?

Ninety percent of popular movies don't pass this test.

My interest peaked when he brought up an image of Pixar's
main movie characters...boys.

If you have a few minutes to spare, watch the video and
let me know what you think. I found it very interesting but
I'm even more interested in your thoughts about it.

It has definitely made me think about how I'm raising my
son and my daughters.