Wednesday, March 6, 2013

TV Junkie

My favorite thing to do after the kids go to bed
is lounge on the couch with my computer and the
TV. My husband hates it. He thinks its a waste of
time. But it is definitely my way of winding down
after a busy day.

I do watch a lot of shows though.
Probably too much.
I am so grateful for the invention of DVR!

Some of my current favorites include:
American Idol
Teen Mom 2
16 and Pregnant
The Amazing Race
The Bachelor/Bachelorette
Real Housewives of Orange County
Big Brother

I'm wracking my brain trying to think of something
I watch that isn't reality tv lol I never realized this before!

I used to watch shows that weren't "reality" but they
keep cancelling them!

Desperate Housewives
and I stopped watching The Office
when Steve Carrell left

I also have a couple shows on my future watch list that
I plan to catch up on with the help of Netflix.

Grey's Anatomy
The Walking Dead
(Started it with hubby and waiting
for his return to continue)
 Doctor Who

 Not only do I love watching tv but I love talking about
it with other people. So I get really excited when someone
I know watches the same show I do lol

I know this is kind of lame but I don't care!

What shows do you watch regularly?
Do you recommend anything for me? :)


  1. I LOVE Doctor Who and House. I recommend Supernatural. It starts out with kinda sucky effects, but then they got funding the more popular they became. They just started their 9th season! Also, Warehouse 13 is freaking awesome too!

    1. I've never heard of Warehouse 13. What's that about? I watched episode 1 of Doctor Who and my friend Shantel is forcing me to keep going lol I was really weirded out!

    2. It's about a couple of "agents" that go around collecting artifacts that do weird things. Like Harriet Tubman's Thimble,causes people to see a different image than the one of the person wearing it. Or words written by anyone using Edgar Allen Poe's writing quill can come to life when the intended victim of the writer reads the words. It's weird and awesome! I'm not a fan of the first Doctor Who in the revamped series, or Rose, but all of the ones after him I love. When you get to Captain Jack, if you love him (which, who doesn't?) He has his own spinoff of the show called Torchwood. Also freaking amazing. And all of these are on netflix!

  2. OMG I love the 9th doctor! And Rose is my favorite companion, but I do know I am in the minority!

