Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Cleaning Pt 1

It's that time of the yearrrrrrr!
Spring officially starts this week, that means it's time for


Oh man, I have no motivation.
Last year hubby was home to help me.
I'm not quite sure how I'm going to manage this with the
kids around but it needs to get done!

A part of me looks forward to this every year because
it is suuuuch a good feeling when it's all done.

I decided to just start off with the small task
of the master bathroom today. It is Monday, afterall.
I shouldn't over do it on a Monday.

About halfway done with the bathroom I was over it lol
The only thing keeping me going was knowing I had to post
about it at some point! So thank you, dedicated bloggy readers,
for unknowingly motivating me.

Spring cleaning for me isn't just cleaning.
Its perfecting every single inch of my living space.
I keep two lists while I work. One for items I need to restock or replace.
And one with things I need to call maintenance about.

Master Bathroom
Clean out drains.
Take everything out of shelves, cabinets, and drawers, wipe down.
Throw away expired medicine, old soaps, etc.
Wash shower curtains and bath mats.
Clean light fixture, replace light bulbs if needed.
Wipe down walls and baseboards.

Here's my bathroom cupboard's "after" photo.

All of our medications are on the highest shelf.
I added an organizer for our first aid stuff.

The second shelf has all of my hair and beauty products.

The third shelf is my asthma stuff and Britton's eczema stuff.
I keep our prescriptions stocked here since we're both on regular medications.
I also stored some miscellaneous medical supplies we have.

The fourth shelf has our scale, hair clippers, and humidifier.


  1. Spring cleaning is such a nightmare when you first think about it, but the process isn't too bad and the feeling when you're done is wonderful. It's easy as a singleton, but I can't imagine doing it with three little ones running around. Good luck!

    1. Thank you! I'm making progress...slowly but surely lol!
