Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Cleaning Pt 2

At the rate I'm going, my spring cleaning week is
going to turn into spring cleaning two weeks.
It's so much more difficult to deep clean with 3 little
busy bodies running around craving your attention.

My goal today was the kid's rooms. All three of them.
I got 1/3 completely done. The other 2 I probably got 1/4 done.
I don't know what that is in math language,
but I know it doesn't equal 100%     >:(

One insanely fussy baby and one crayon mural over my
entire dining room floor and I decided I was done for the day.

Instead of feeling frustrated about what I didn't do,
I need to pat myself on the back for what I did get done.
It's better than nothing.

So aside from routine cleaning, here's what else I like
to accomplish when spring cleaning the bedrooms...

Kid's Bedrooms
Empty all drawers and clean out clothes that no longer
fit, are old, or beat up.
Reorganize clothes back to where they need to go.
Replace pillows.
Shampoo mattress.
Shampoo carpets.
Clean windows, inside and out, including tracks.
Clean out toys, toss/sell/donate/reorganize.
Replace batteries in toys that need it.
Wipe down walls and baseboards.
Clean ceiling fan.

 A few months ago I got really sick of the mass amount of
toys my kids have collected over the years so I went to 
Home Depot and bought a few organizational bins.

I allowed each kid to have 3 bins and we labeled each one.
Kayden has Polly Pocket, Littlest Pet Shop, and Barbies.
Davin has Trucks & Bikes, Tools, and Legos.
Any toy that didn't fit into these categories was outta there.

It was a huge relief and made cleaning up so much easier.
They still had a couple "big" toys like dolls and car tracks but
those weren't a problem to begin with. It's those tiny Happy Meal
useless pieces of crap toys that they forget about in 5 seconds but
gets lost in the toy box forever. Those are the problems!

Here is Britty's closet after I cleaned it out.
Organizing her clothes took some time.
At that age, they are cycling through clothes so fast!
In her dresser is 12-18mo stuff.
The bins in her closet are 2T summer and 2T winter.
There is also a huge box in there with everything 3T+.
The pink basket is full of shoes.

Ps. If you haven't already, please "like" my Facebook page :)
I enjoy keeping in touch on there too!


  1. Kelly Mae....I'm a new follower. I have enjoyed looking through your blog. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can check it out here.... I added you to my BlogLovin' reader so I will continue to get your updates. Keep up the great work!
    Pam @ The Patriotic Pam

    1. How fun!!! Thank you so much! I will post about it today, yay! :)

  2. I need to go through the boys toys. I keep putting it off haha! I think once we get back from vacation I'll have Andy take them somewhere for a few hours that way I can smuggle toys out without fear.

    1. That's the best idea lol My daughter has a heart attack whenever we talk about cleaning out her stuffed animals...sheesh!
