Monday, March 25, 2013

Liebster Award Round 2

 YAY I got another nomination. I feel so loved!!
Thank you Justina Who...!
I am breaking many rules with round 2 though.
Please forgive me.

Since I just nominated a bunch of people I don't know,
I'm going to nominate my friends.
But I don't have 11 friends that blog so there will only
be a couple nominations.
However, I do recommend doing the work to nominate 
11 more people during your turn.
It's a good way to connect with other bloggers and make friends!

Also, I'm asking my friends the same questions I
asked my last nominations because I liked those questions!

Have fun!

The Rules
{1} Each blogger should answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
{2} Choose 11 new bloggers to pass the award on to and link them in your post.
{3} Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
{4} Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
{5} Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
{6} No tag-backs!!

My Questions From Justina Marie
{1} What is your middle name and do you like it?
My middle name is Mae! (Surprise!) And I actually
really do love my middle name. It was my Grandma's
middle name and I passed it on to my youngest daughter.
{2}Who are you inspired by?
Good moms inspire me. Those moms who seem to have
it all together but are grounded enough to admit their struggles
and faults. It reminds me that we all have challenges but should
continue to strive to do our best for our family.
{3}What is your favorite brand of jeans?
I literally only own 2 pairs of jeans and I have no idea where I
got them lol
{4}Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I needed something to do!
I had so many ideas I wanted to share with everyone, I felt
I could reach more people and maybe even inspire a couple if
I started putting it all in a blog!
{5} Watch T.V. or read a book?
Tv. I love tv. I love books too but I love tv more.
{6} What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas. I love shopping for everyone. I love the holiday
spirit. I love the excitement on my kid's faces. I still feel the magic
of Christmas every single year.
{7} Where would your ideal vacation be?
One of those rooms on the water in Fiji!
{8} What is your favorite 'throwback' movie?
The Wizard of Oz :)
{9} What celebrity would you like to meet?
{10} If you could only choose one: Facebook or Pinterest?
Facebook. I love my people too much to give them up.
{11} What do you 'splurge' on?
Kids clothes. I'm glad they grow so fast so its easy to justify!

My Random Facts

{1} My sister is a redhead and her daughter is a redderhead.
{2} I'm terrified of crickets.
{3} I used to have a horse named Scooby.
{4} I got my ears pierced at the age of 11.
{5} I have no tattoos or body piercings except my ears.
{6} I met my husband on myspace.
{7} My fav drink at Starbucks is an iced white mocha.
{8} I never go in the ocean but I'll spend a lifetime on the beach.
{9} I hate going outdoors after cricket-thirty (sundown)
{10} I'm a total night owl and I have to force myself to go to bed so I get a good night's sleep.
{11} I'm entirely too skinny for the amount of food I eat.

 My Nominations
{1} Becca
{2} Shantel
{3} Kelly
{4} Melissa
{5} Lizzie
{6} ghost
{7} ghost
{8} ghost
{9} ghost
{10} ghost
{11} ghost

 My Questions For You
(1) Did you play any sports in high school?
(2) What made you smile today?
(3) How many kids do you have or want?
(4) Taco or burrito?
(5) What is one word you would use to describe your life?
(6) What kind of music do you listen to?
(7) What is the last thing you ate?
(8) If you were stranded on an island with just a beach chair, what would be your drink of choice?
(9) Are you a morning person or a night owl?
(10) Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?
(11) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?


  1. I want to go to Fiji too! New follower also.


    1. Hubby and I have never been on a real vacation. I'd love to go anywhere at this point! lol I love your blog! Followed you back ;)
