Saturday, December 28, 2013
Farewell, 2013!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
L. Ron Hubbard {Book Review & Giveaway}
"He writes the way he does, brothers, because he’s been there, seen it and done it!"
Michael Stuart and Betty Sheldon, are on a daring quest around Asia in search of a mysterious
black chest. Stuart, who is also known as "The Red Dragon", is a former lieutenent in the US
Marines and is now known as a renegade, traitor and thief. Their search is compromised by his
reputation and the people who are out to get him.
Inspired by real-life events: "It was on Hubbard’s second journey to East Asia that he met British Secret Service agent, Major Ian MacBean, who introduced him to “The Great Game,” the geopolitical tug-of-war between China, Japan, and Britain. Hubbard also learned of the trade in stolen Chinese treasures, and was exposed to the secret criminal society known as The Red Dragon—inspiring this story of the same name. He has captured a singular time in this storied land."
On Blazing Wings is a thrilling tale about an American fighter pilot, David Duane, who leaves
for war with nothing to lose. Finding himself fighting in Finland against the Russians, his plane is shot down and Duane finds himself in enemy territory. A mix of politics, romance, and adventure, this story makes you think about how much control we really have over our own destiny.

Reading these books were wonderful, but after watching this video, I think I want to check out
the audio books as well! They sound like quite an experience...
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Walmart's Holiday Salute to Military Families
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.
Last year, for the first time since having our kids, my husband was deployed during the holidays. He left at the beginning of December for six months overseas. Even though it was my favorite time of the year, the fact that my husband couldn’t be here to enjoy it with us made it bittersweet. I single-handedly had to manage all of the parental tasks that come along with the holiday season. He was able to Skype with us Christmas morning, but between the chaos of opening gifts and weak internet service overseas, it was difficult for him to hear or see what was going on. It ended up being more frustrating than anything.
We are fortunate to have him home this year, but not everyone is so lucky. I have many close friends who are feeling that void as well as thousands more across the country. Many of us are not stationed near family and find it financially straining to organize a trip home. We end up spending the holidays alone, doing what we can to make it special for the kids. For me, one thing that eases this heartache is knowing that America recognizes us and appreciates the sacrifices our families are making.
This year, Walmart is showing their support with their “Holiday Salute to Military Families”. This initiative is offering 2 million dollars in grants for toys, meals and lodging assistance to military families, as well as bringing many active duty service members home for the holidays. They have partnered with Operation Homefront and Fisher House in a salute to military families.
December 3rd is #GivingTuesday, a global campaign to join together and give! Helping our military families is a great way to participate. Join in our Holiday Salute to Military Families by visiting fisherhouse.org/Walmart and operationhomefront.net/Walmart for more information.
Let’s take this time to recognize our country’s heroes. Please share this post and tag a military member you are grateful for. For my military community, are you spending the holidays away from your loved one this year? Have you in years past? I want to hear your story. Let’s come together to show our support and remind military families nationwide that they are not forgotten.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Spartan Race on NBC Sports 12/7
Spartan Race is on a mission to get you active, healthy, excited about change, and return to our ancient roots where running through woods, getting dirty, and facing adversity was part of everyday life. Our events are all about challenging today’s perception of normal.
Our events challenge the familiar, today’s perception of normal living and getting you out of your comfort zone! At Spartan Race, we do this everyday and it shapes everything we do.
Having experienced many different racing events, we wanted to make adventure racing more accessible to everyone, but do not be fooled by the word ‘accessible’, as our events have a challenge for everyone’s needs.
Spartan Race now introduces a level for everyone beginning with the entry level Spartan Sprint, intermediate level Super Spartan, the advanced Spartan Beast, and the ‘99.9% need not apply’ extreme level Death Race.
Whatever your level, Spartan Race will test your strength, stamina, and sense of humor.
December 7th, NBC Sports will be broadcasting the World Championship Spartan Race.
The awesome Spartan Race crew has provided me with another
free race code for one lucky reader.
This code is good for any 2013-2014 US Spartan Race registration.
Enter on the widget below.
Or, if you're ready right now, click HERE to get 15% off any Spartan Race.
And don't forget that they have teamed up with GovX to provide a discount to
active duty military and first responders!
Do you want it? Are you up for the challenge?
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Fall Cleaning
I first heard of it a few years ago in a mama group I was a part of on Cafe Mom.
These ladies were overachievers though, and would completely redecorate their
homes to accommodate the fall/winter setting. I wish I had the energy and money
to be able to do that but honestly, I just need a good excuse to get the dirty handprints
off my walls.
and you can't even tell I tried. It's really quite magical how disgusting kids can be.
And how busy you get raising them that certain household things get neglected
(I'm just being honest here).
1) I have the same stuff and 2) I have the same house.
Clean out and restock medicine cabinet
Clean out sink and shower drains
Wash curtains
Organize and clean all DVDs
Throw away expired food and wipe down kitchen cupboards
Clean behind and under fridge and stove
Basically, start at one end of the house and clean EVERYTHING.
It will take a few days. Just prepare yourself for that.
But your house will be ready for holiday guests and you can get
a head start on those winter germs.
Not to mention you will feel so good when its done!
Here's an idea of what I'm up against...
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
You think you know...
of public relations and I go say hi to her whenever I'm at a game.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Let's Bake!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Super Cool Pumpkins Pt 1
The Skinny About Skinny
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
We're Official!!!!!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Shutdown From My POV
madness at the commissary Tuesday morning if I wanted to feed my family.
I knew it was going to be bad. I had NO idea it was going to be this bad.
We know a lot of people are suffering in different ways because of this.
Some people are completely without pay and still have to work every day.
Yes, there is always someone worse off than you, but I still think you have the
right to voice your frustrations if it is affecting you. Heck, even if it isn't affecting
you and you are frustrated for those who are. I saw a lot of negativity on Facebook
yesterday about people "freaking out" and "you don't have it that bad." No, maybe
we don't have it as bad as others, but we are hurting too.
I am still bothered by those comments today.
Yes, our commissary closed and I was one of those who stocked up with $400 worth
of groceries in my cart. No, I don't think its the end of the world. But I do find it a lot
more affordable to buy groceries for my family of 5 with commissary prices than shopping
at Staters out in town. So my freezer and fridge is packed with enough food to last us
a while. Even though I saved money by doing this at the comm, I still tipped my bagger $20,
not because I can really afford it, but because I know that we'll continue getting a paycheck
while she is at home waiting for the government to make a decision and because I know
others are more greatly affected than I am.
I guess what I'm getting at is, don't bring more negativity into this situation than there
already is. People are scared and emotional and just trying to take care of their families.
Our government just threw a huge wrench into a lot of people's routine lives and its not
exactly easy. Support each other, listen to each other, help each other, just don't be rude.
Don't argue politics, don't make people feel bad or stupid for feeling the way they do, don't
try to one-up anybody else on how much this shutdown hurts you.
It's unnecessary and not going to help anything.
Oh and read this article, its spot on:
I really hope this is all over with soon!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
A Baby Shower + D's Birthday!
And D got lots of cool new things.

Monday, September 23, 2013
Quick Update!
I'll see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Never Forget
Twelve years later, and a world of new friends, I'm interested...where were you?
Monday, September 9, 2013
My Strange Sleeping Habit
Friday, August 30, 2013
Spartan Race Gives Back
They have partnered up with GovX to form one of the largest race discount
To show their support, they are offering a $30 discount on race registration
for our heroes! To read more about this special offer, click HERE.
Not familiar with the Spartan Race? Take a look at this...
Sooo awesome!
Anyone can sign up for these races!
Register individually, or create a team!

Have you seen these pictures of USMC Cpl Todd Love?
Thursday, August 29, 2013
What Grieving Has Taught Me
so you don't confuse people's grief with carelessness or exaggeration.
crying/depressed/hopeless all over again. Then a few days later I'm feeling better.
I was getting so exhausted going through this cycle of emotions but my therapist continued
to assure me that it's normal. You have your good days, and your not so good days. Just hang
on and go with the flow. Its your body's way of adjusting to the changes and handling the
emotional stress of what you've just experienced. And it also gives you a slight glimmer
of hope that one day your good days will outweigh the bad ones and that things will get easier.
4. Have patience for the grieving.
a few people who stayed by my side through my bad days, when I felt like no one cared about me.
Some of them invited themselves over and literally had to drag me out of the house to pull me out
of my negative mood. They didn't give me any other option and I'm so glad they did because it really
helped. When I was feeling down and sorry for myself, they didn't get annoyed, they understood.
They were here for me to talk to. They were genuinely concerned when I was upset. It was exactly
what I needed and I am so glad I had them here for me. The emotional rollercoaster has slowed
down now and I know its easier to be my friend when I'm not crazy moody, crying and sleeping
all the time. But the fact that they were my friend regardless means so much to me! If someone
you know is grieving and going through the ups and downs, just be there for them. Even if they act
like they don't need or want you there, they do and they will appreciate it later.
5. That "new normal" is a real thing.
For a while I was really feeling guilty about moving out of the shocked/depressed phase. I didn't
want to ever be "ok" with the fact that my best friend died. That her kids have to grow up without
her. That she got robbed of life. People kept saying "You'll find a new normal" and all I could think
was "Ok but I dont want a new normal. I want my normal normal. I want her back." Its only been
in the past week or so that I've realized I now have a "new normal". I don't wake up in the morning
expecting to hear from her. I don't feel out of place when she's not showing up at my house at 9:30am
with the kids ready to hang out. I have a new routine. I've come to accept that it will never go back
to being that way and I've gotten used to life the way it is now. I think the most important part is that
I don't feel guilty about it. I did my fair share of mourning. She knew I loved her and I know I
always will. All she wanted for me was to be happy and she would hate knowing that she was
the cause of so much pain. Just because it is getting easier doesn't mean I don't miss her or think
about her all the freaking time. I would give anything to have her back. But remembering her
is a lot less heart-wrenching and I know now that I am going to be ok.
In spirit of my beautiful Sam and our Cali lovin' thug life together...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
HUGE Military Family Giveaway & Getaway!!
you've been there.
My husband was deployed to Iraq while I was pregnant with our first baby. He
missed the entire pregnancy but luckily got home just a few short weeks before
she was born. He was in a nondeployable position when I had our second baby but
was training when I went into labor and I couldn't get a hold of him! He made
it to the hospital just in time. In 2011 I gave birth to our third baby while he was half
a world away. He met her when she was 6 weeks old. This past May we concluded
yet another deployment where my three babies were without their dad for 6 months.
Monday, August 26, 2013
The Television Post
I hope Amanda gets backdoored this week.
Tamra and Gretchen have been long time favorites of mine too. I think they are so funny
Premiering tonight is Teen Mom 3! This is another show I have followed since the very