Monday, September 9, 2013

My Strange Sleeping Habit

The other day, the hubby and I were having a conversation about
sleeping. He had said something about me snoring really loud the night
before. I got all freaked out because I had no idea that I was a snorer!

I proceeded to ask him a million detalified questions about my snoring.
Do I always snore?
Is it only when I'm really tired or sick?
Do I snore when I lay on my back?
My side?
What exact tone is my snore?

I didn't get much out of him but apparently the "loud snoring" is an
occasional thing for me. Still though, I don't want to be a snorer!

Then he said "You always do this weird clicking noise though."
I demanded further explanation!
"It almost sounds like you're hitting your teeth but I've listened closer
and you make this sound using your tongue."
I got so scared and immediately came to the conclusion that I'm conversating
with life on another planet during my slumbers.
What the heck?! Who clicks in their sleep??
Has anyone ever heard of this?!?!

Google is our friend, so we looked it up and apparently I'm not the only one.
*phew* That makes me feel less of a freak, but I still couldn't find much information about it!
Something about the suction in the back of your throat and your tongue...
There was a YouTube video titled "Sleep Clicking - Deadlier Than Snoring!"
I didn't watch it.

Ok so I guess I will ask my doctor or dentist about this at my next appointment
but it is so weird to me that I've had this habit and didn't even know about it.

 I always thought my husbands twitching was funny, my parent's snoring annoying,
my sister's sleep-talking entertaining, but I always pictured myself like this...

Apparently not!!
Does anyone else have any weird sleep habits (that they know of?)
or am I the only one? :(


  1. I occasionally snore (or so I've been told) its worse when I sleep on my back I do know that one and occasionally when I'm on my side. I don't make any noises(that I am aware of) LOL but I can tell you my dad makes a spitting sound when he when spitting out shells of sunflower seeds (guess too many years of popping them open and spitting out the shell)

  2. I twitch like dogs do in my sleep. Especially if I'm having a dream where I'm running or fighting or something. I'll move my legs or slap my arms around. Mornings after I've had a really bad episode I'm all sore like I've been running all night lol!

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