It totally hit me yesterday that Halloween is next week.
I stayed up late placing orders online for the last few things we
need for the kid's costumes this year.
My oldest daughter is going to be a peacock, my son wants to be a zombie ninja turtle,
and the littlest daughter is going to be Agnes from Despicable Me.
Needless to say, these will all have to be thrown together by yours truly.
I also started thinking about pumpkins. We don't have pumpkins yet.
And what will we do with these pumpkins?
At Easter I posted a bunch of creatively decorated Easter eggs.
So I decided to look around online and see what the crafty people of the world
have decided to do to pumpkins over the years.
Here are a few of my favorites that I found.
I see what you did there.
You painted lots of bats on lots of pumpkins and added a moon to the one in the back.
I wouldn't have thought of this myself.
Ok this one is just way too cool. These pumpkins are made out of pages from
an old book. It looks all vintage and creepy like these would be sitting outside
of a haunted house. Well, only if the creatures that haunted the house decorated
for Halloween of course.
I am very fond of the idea of going against the grain and breaking out the
bright colors this season. Everything is so....brown...and orange.
Lets paint some hot pink pumpkins and call it a day!
Glitter is amazing because it just makes everything happier.
My friends and I refer to glitter as herpes, but now that I think about it, its more like
Herpes was the evil twin and Glitter is his sister.
They both spread all over the place, are hard to get rid of, and sneak up on you when you
least expect it. But one makes you happy and the other just makes you really uncomfortable.
I don't even know if my references to Herpes are accurate but here are some glitter pumpkins...
Ohhhhh aren't these last pumpkins fabulous?! By far my most favorite.
This is totally my kind of style. I just love how eloquent and delicate they look.
I might just have to attempt year.