One of my bestest friends in the whole wide world came up
with this amazing campaign for the month of February.
I am a couple days late posting this, but its never too late to be positive.
From her blog at Just Another Marine SAHM, here is a rundown of how it works:
Facebook is constantly a platform for anger, hatred, bullying, and much more.
if someone disagrees with you? Well, obviously it's because they are a
homophobe, or racist, or hate the poor, or atheists and hate religious
Seriously. This is not the case. We
are all entitled to opinions, especially different ones. How boring
would it be if we all believed the same thing? Plus, I love a good
intelligent debate.
But the bashing hateful
behavior needs to stop. We need to uplift each other. Display your
opinions respectfully, no need to name call, or put another person down.
I would love for all of you to join me in #25daysofpositive. It's my birthday month. Do it for me, and for you.
status update you were going to post about hating your boss, make it
about that awesome coworker who brought you a Starbucks. That news story
about that murder, swap it for a good samaritan story. Don't agree
with something on TV say just that "I didn't like it" no need to call
those who did unpatriotic.
it. Not just on Facebook, when you get mad, force a positive thought.
Don't wait on someone else to make you happy, share your joys and relish
in your blessings.
#25daysofpositive find me on Instagram
I love the whole point behind this.
We could all use a little more positivity in our life.
I, for one, am going through an extremely stressful and emotional situation.
I pledge to do better about focusing on the bright side to things. There is always a bright side!
Yesterday was a particularly bad day for the situation I am going through. There was
a lot of tears, anger, panic. Yet I decided to focus on something positive and posted this on Facebook:
"I'm excited to get Bubby signed up for t-ball! :)"
I am excited about that. I'm excited to get settled in our new home. I'm excited to get my children
active in their new community. I'm excited to put the anger, tears, and panic behind me.
So next time you want to post something on FB that is hateful, mean or negative think: