Wow this is so late lol
I started working on my laundry room back in January.
You can read more about it here.
It was a complete unorganized wreck and was one of those
rooms where we just stored all our miscellaneous stuff and
kept the door shut so no one had to deal with it.
I had a plan and a vision to get it cleaned up and I did!
There were a few things I didn't get to. I wanted to add curtains but
I had a really hard time finding some in the color I
I had a really hard time finding some in the color I
want and the size I needed. The corner with the cat box is still
annoying but we need to buy a covered cat box and figure out where
to store all of the accessories for our vacuum.
I also want to eventually buy a container to keep the dog food in.
annoying but we need to buy a covered cat box and figure out where
to store all of the accessories for our vacuum.
I also want to eventually buy a container to keep the dog food in.
Without further adieu, here is my new laundry room...
The decals above the dryer and on the door are
courtesy of O'Seven Eleven Creations.
Ahh so much better!
I LOVE it!