I've had this overwhelming urge to start blogging again.
And then I get sidetracked with the 10 million other things I've got going on.
Maybe I will just keep it super sporadic.
No pressure.
Only when I feel compelled.
I definitely don't have time to keep up with this thing the way I used to.
Or work those sponsored posts anymore.
Or spend all my free time trying to gain followers.
I don't have any free time.
Ok, that's a lie. I have SOME free time, like right now.
Actually, I should probably be doing other things, but I feel like writing.
I don't know if anyone's gonna read this that isn't already up to date on my life,
but just for a quick run down since LAST JUNE (the last time I posted):
Still living in my hometown.
Doing much much better emotionally than I was back then,
Divorce is still pending.
Ex and I can actually be civil, at times.
Kids are in public school now.
That's not always easy, and we miss homeschooling, but it'll have to do.
I'm working for my parent's for one of the businesses they own.
I work with my 3 year old because the day care is full.
I started school, then dropped out of school.
I coached High School cheer last season.
I'm currently a Girl Scout leader with a troop of 32 girls.
I miss 29 Palms so much.
I still don't know where this life is taking me.
Oh and I'm still totally single.
I'm ok with that last one!
My kids have been my complete focus for the past year or so.
We have had a few behavior/emotional issues to address and it is still a work in progress.
This hasn't been totally easy for them.
I know the relationship thing will happen when the time is right.
I'm not pushing anything.
I don't feel like I'm "missing" anything.
I get lonely at times, but overall, I am perfectly content.
So maybe I will start writing more when I feel like I have things I need to share.
If you decide to read them, cool. If not, I think this is more for my sanity than anything.
I could use a journal.....but I type faster than I write.
Oh....and I'm just gonna leave all my old posts right where they are.
I have so many new people in my life, it would prob be interesting for them to go back
and see how I used to be.
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