Tuesday, November 19, 2013

You think you know...

I see this going around Facebook and its been fun to read but
I've been too chicken to "like" any of your posts.
I'm going to be a rebel and do my own list.
I'm going to do 10 because that seems to be the going rate.

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me

10. I sleep with a blankie every night. If I don't have it, I can't sleep.

9. In high school, my best friend and I would go to every event the Chargers
held. It was so bad they started to recognize us. I still know the president
of public relations and I go say hi to her whenever I'm at a game.

8. I used to borrow the Baby Think It Over dolls in middle school because
I thought they were fun. Then I saved up my money to buy my own.

7. I have never broken a bone.

6. I went to a few N'Sync concerts when they were big. Before one of the shows,
we were waiting by the fence near their tour buses trying to get a glimpse. A lady performer
who was opening for them walked over to say hi to the fans and talk with us.
(Don't care...where's Lance Bass?)
That lady was Pink. Oops.

5. I do not like strawberries or strawberry flavored anything.

4. I have had asthma my whole life, I was diagnosed when I was 8 after a hospital stay. 
I still take daily medications to keep it under control.

3. I grew up in the dirt bike world. I have fond memories of my dad's desert racing days,
camping in the desert, waking up before the crack of dawn to leave and playing with my toys
in the back of someone's trailer while my dad was racing.

2. I decided I wanted to marry a Marine after attending Military Appreciation Day at a
Padre game one year and I saw them in formation.

1. I used to be afraid of Pit Bulls and believed all the stereotypes. I am now a huge
Pitty advocate and consider them my favorite breed, We even fostered one sweet
Pitty girl before we moved to 29 Palms.
She is still available for adoption in the San Diego area...


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